Poultry can be affected by many types of disease, and a wide variety of pests (and behavioural problems) including those in the list below.
1. Diseases caused by Viruses
a. Avian Influenza
b. Avian Encephalomyelitis
c. Big Liver and Spleen Disease
d. Chicken Anaemia Virus Infection (or CAV)
e. Egg drop syndrome (or EDS)
f. Fowl Pox
g. Inclusion Body Hepatitis (or Fowl adenovirus. type 8 )
h. Infectious Bronchitis
i. Infectious Bursal Disease (or Gumboro)
j. Infectious Laryngotracheitis
k. Leucosis
l. Lymphoid Leukosis
m. Lympoid Tumour Disease. (Reticuloendotheliosis)
n. Marek’s Disease Virus or MDV
o. Newcastle Disease
p. Runting/stunting and malabsorption syndromes
q. Viral Arthritis (Tenosynovitis)
2. Diseases caused by Chlamydia
a. Chlamydiosis
3. Diseases caused by Mycoplasmas
a. Mycoplasmosis – MG (Mycoplasma gallisepticum; MG infection; Chronic Respiratory Disease)
b. Mycoplasmosis – MS (Mycoplasma synoviae; infectious synovitis)
4. Diseases caused by Bacteria
a. Botulism
b. Colibacillosis
c. Infectious Coryza
d. Fowl Cholera (or pasteurellosis)
e. Necrotic Enteritis
f. Paratyphoid
g. Pullorum
h. Spirochaetosis (Avian Intestinal Spirochaetosis)
i. Tuberculosis (Avian Tuberculosis)
5. Diseases caused by Fungi
a. Aspergillosis
b. Favus
c. Moniliasis (Candidiasis; crop mycosis)
6. Diseases caused by Protozoa
a. Coccidiosis
b. Cryptosporidiosis
c. Histomoniasis
d. Toxoplasmosis
e. Trichomoniasis
7. Diseases caused by Internal Parasites
a. Round worms
b. Caecal worms
c. Capillary worms
d. Tape worms
8. Diseases caused by External Parasites
a. Several types of louse (insect; plural – lice)
b. Stickfast flea (insect)
c. Fowl tick
d. Several types of mite (acarid)
9. Diseases caused by Metabolic Disorders
a. Ascites (waterbelly)
b. Cage Layer Fatigue and Rickets
c. Fatty Liver Haemorrhagic Syndrome
10. Diseases caused by environmental factors
a. Cannibalism (or aggressive pecking)
11. Pests
a. Darkling Beetles
1. Diseases caused by Viruses
a. Avian Influenza
b. Avian Encephalomyelitis
c. Big Liver and Spleen Disease
d. Chicken Anaemia Virus Infection (or CAV)
e. Egg drop syndrome (or EDS)
f. Fowl Pox
g. Inclusion Body Hepatitis (or Fowl adenovirus. type 8 )
h. Infectious Bronchitis
i. Infectious Bursal Disease (or Gumboro)
j. Infectious Laryngotracheitis
k. Leucosis
l. Lymphoid Leukosis
m. Lympoid Tumour Disease. (Reticuloendotheliosis)
n. Marek’s Disease Virus or MDV
o. Newcastle Disease
p. Runting/stunting and malabsorption syndromes
q. Viral Arthritis (Tenosynovitis)
2. Diseases caused by Chlamydia
a. Chlamydiosis
3. Diseases caused by Mycoplasmas
a. Mycoplasmosis – MG (Mycoplasma gallisepticum; MG infection; Chronic Respiratory Disease)
b. Mycoplasmosis – MS (Mycoplasma synoviae; infectious synovitis)
4. Diseases caused by Bacteria
a. Botulism
b. Colibacillosis
c. Infectious Coryza
d. Fowl Cholera (or pasteurellosis)
e. Necrotic Enteritis
f. Paratyphoid
g. Pullorum
h. Spirochaetosis (Avian Intestinal Spirochaetosis)
i. Tuberculosis (Avian Tuberculosis)
5. Diseases caused by Fungi
a. Aspergillosis
b. Favus
c. Moniliasis (Candidiasis; crop mycosis)
6. Diseases caused by Protozoa
a. Coccidiosis
b. Cryptosporidiosis
c. Histomoniasis
d. Toxoplasmosis
e. Trichomoniasis
7. Diseases caused by Internal Parasites
a. Round worms
b. Caecal worms
c. Capillary worms
d. Tape worms
8. Diseases caused by External Parasites
a. Several types of louse (insect; plural – lice)
b. Stickfast flea (insect)
c. Fowl tick
d. Several types of mite (acarid)
9. Diseases caused by Metabolic Disorders
a. Ascites (waterbelly)
b. Cage Layer Fatigue and Rickets
c. Fatty Liver Haemorrhagic Syndrome
10. Diseases caused by environmental factors
a. Cannibalism (or aggressive pecking)
11. Pests
a. Darkling Beetles